BMC (3.0) Tech quiz 2013: First and second round

BMC (3.0) Tech quiz 2013:

Here are the questions of general round.

#Round 1: 

Common Rules to all Round:                                                                

1)    A question can be passed to 2 other teams only, in the current direction of questioning.
2)    No negative markings.
3)    Teams will choose a random number within a certain interval in each round, and will receive corresponding question.

4)    A total of 20 questions will be asked out of 30, 4 to each team.
5)    Each question originally carries 10 points, passed question carries 5 points.
6)    Answering time available are: 30 sec, 15 sec, and 5 sec respectively.
Note: Underline words are answer  :
1. What is considered to be the first counting device of the world?      Abacus
2. Name the first electronic computing system, which was used in 1943 to break secret German military codes?                   Colossus
3. Name the first mechanically operated calculating device.        Pascaline
4. Who invented the Hotmail e-mail system?           Shabir Bhatia
5. Name the first computer virus?        Brain
6. What is Julian Assange best known for?    Wikileaks
7. What is the singular of data? Datum
8. Who is the father of super computer?   Seymour Cray
9. Completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart. What is it? Captcha.
10. What is the full form of ‘Vodafone’?        Voice – Data fone
11. What is the full form of ‘DOCOMO’?        Do communication over mobile network
12. What is ‘i’ in ‘iMAC’?             Internet
13. Who gave the idea of a laptop per child?                        Nicholas Negroponte
14. Who replaced Steve Jobs as the CEO of Apple?            Tim Cook
15. Apple’s early logo was a dedication to which famous personality and also featured a famous incident related to him?               Isaac Newton
16. What was the official salary of Steve Jobs as the C.E.O of Apple?   1 dollar
17. How is The Bell Telephone Company set up by Alexander Graham Bell known more famously today?           AT & T

18. Which company was originally called Galvin Manufacturing Corporation?          Motorola

19. Shorty Awards, also known as the Shorties, are an awards event that honour’s top content creators on which website?       Twitter

20. Which technology giant ran an ad campaign ‘Life without Walls’? Microsoft
21. Expand HP :      Hewlett-Packard
22. “THINK” is a motto related to a giant company. Which is the company ?             IBM
23. Who Developed the GNU/LINUX kernel ?                       Linus Torvalds
     24. What was developed by sun Microsystems for iPhone 4?                 SIRI

25. 1 Zettabyte= how many byte?                                    10 to the power 21 bytes

26. The producer of TCP/IP now working with Google. Name him.       Vinton Cerf
27. The twitter bird is named after which Basketball player?                  Larry Bird

28. The simplified version of what was patented in 1936 by Dr. August  Dvorak and Dr. William Dealey?                     Keyboard Layout

29. Which legendary tech personality is the author of the book “The Road Ahead”?          Bill Gates.

30. What is the name of Android  4.4?                                   KitKat

Here are the questions for second round, it's called tagline round.

# Round 2:
1)    A total of 10 questions will be asked out of 15, 2 to each team.
2)    Each question originally carries 10 points, passed question carries 5 points.
3)    Answering time available are: 30 sec, 15 sec, and 5 sec respectively.

Note: Underline words are answer  :

1. "Broadcast Yourself"   YouTube
2. "A Place for Friends"
3. "Relationships Matter"  
4. "Real-life sharing rethought for the web"             Google+ (Plus)
5. "Applying Thought"      Wipro
6. "Ideas for Life"              Panasonic
7. "Sense And Simplicity"            Philips
8. "Nothing Like Anything"                     MicroMax
9. "Think Hatke"                 Virgin Mobile
10. "Smarter Way To Travel"       
11. "Powered By Intellect, Driven By Values"           Infosys
12. "Welcome To The Human Network"        Cisco
13. "What' Happening Right Now"                   Twitter
14. "Wish Click Go"                       Makemytrip
15. "High Performance, Delivered"                  Accenture



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