
Showing posts from September, 2013

Final Round: Identify the person

Final Round:  Identify the person Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15  ANSWERS: 1. Barbara Liskov (first women to receive Turing award) 2. Blaise Pascal 3. Chad Hurley (Founder of youtube) 4. Edward Snowden 5. Larry Page and Sergey Brin 6.Herman Hollerith 7. Issac Assimov (Father of robotics) 8. Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia) 9. John Backus (Invented FORTRAN) 10. Larry Wall (creater of perl programming) 11. Max Newman (created Colossus) 12. Samuel Morse (Invented Morse - code) 13. Som Mittal ( NASSCOM) 14. Vic Hayes (Father of wi-fi) 15. Verginia Rometty ( CEO of IBM)  

BMC (3.0) : Third round - Identify the object

Here are the remaining questions. I hope you enjoy.. Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Answers: 1 . Dropbox 2 . Duke (mascot of java) 3 . Evernote app 4. Flikr 5. Google drive 6. Half life 7. Liam (mascot of Yahoo) 8. Lotus note 9. Napster 10. Ning 11. Nvidia 12. Osborne 1 13. Samsung (old logo) 14. Segway 15. Winmax

BMC (3.0) Tech quiz 2013: First and second round

BMC (3.0) Tech quiz 2013: Here are the questions of general round. #Round 1:   Common Rules to all Round:                                                                  1)     A question can be passed to 2 other teams only, in the current direction of questioning. 2)     No negative markings. 3)     Teams will choose a random number within a certain interval in each round, and will receive corresponding question. Rules: 4)     A total of 20 questions will be asked out of 30, 4 to each team. 5)     Each question originally carries 10 points, passed question carries 5 p...