Rubik's Cube - Mini Project

Hey guys, today I am posting the mini project I did in my 6th semester(B.E.). This code is written in Visual C/C++ which is graphical simulation of the Rubik's Cube. /* Rubik's Cube Mini Project By: Aakash Jha & Ashok Kumar Shrestha */ #include "stdlib.h" #include <cmath> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include "glut.h" #define UP '1' #define DOWN '2' #define LEFT '3' #define RIGHT '4' #define FRONT '5' #define BACK '6' #define UP2 'q' #define DOWN2 'w' #define LEFT2 'e' #define RIGHT2 'r' #define FRONT2 't' #define BACK2 'y' #define UP3 'a' #define DOWN3 's' #define LEFT3 'd' #define RIGHT3 'f' #define FRONT3 'g' #define BACK3 'h' #define SHUFFLE 'h' #define CHANGEMOVE 'd' #define CHANGEMOVE2 'a' #define MAKEMOVE 's...